Luciano Pergreffi comes from an artistic family, with his father having also been a portrait and fashion photographer. He was born - and still lives - in Carpi, Italy, from where he witnessed the Italian economic boom.

Luciano was only 10 years old when he first started taking pictures with a Rollei 4x4, signing his first shoot at 17. Turning his passion into a career, Luciano has worked with national and international clients including Condé Nast's Vanity Fair, Vogue Sposa, Vogue Gioiello, Vogue Pelle, Vogue Bambini, Io Donna, Grazia, Madame Figaro, Vogue Spagna, Junior, L'Officiel and many more.

Aside from fashion, where he best expresses his imagination, Luciano has also developed his creativity in advertising that has led him to sign important campaigns.