Two Birds is a New Zealand-based production company committed to creating exceptional screen content. With 25 years of experience shooting across New Zealand, the team knows the country from top to tail and will bring together the best people for every project.

Two Birds can also deliver post production services. Its team has worked on complex VFX shoots and post produced them with talented people in NZ. Founder Mary Wall originally produced at renowned post house Oktobor.

New Zealand offers the convenience of filming in opposite seasons, and with exceptionally talented crews and a great exchange rate provides a competitive market for production services. The pecking order at Two Birds ensures clear lines of communication throughout a project, and the team will do everything possible to ensure success.

Recent global clients included Mercedes-Benz, Procter & Gamble, Chevron and Li Ning, shooting with sporting legends Roger Federer and Asafa Powell. Two Birds also recently added in-house directors for moving-image projects.