Graeme Montgomery has established a reputation as one of the world’s leading photographers of luxury fashion items. Renowned for his lighting skills and graphic modern style, his work has appeared in Japanese Vogue, Arena Homme Plus, Another Man, Numero, GQ Style and Vogue. His advertising clients include Christian Dior, Burberry, D&G, Prada, LG, Mont Blanc, Olay, Graff, Joop and Swarovski.

Born in England, Graeme earned a degree in Photography Film and Television at London College of Printing before spending a year documenting London travellers and gypsies. A move into portraiture - shooting for publications such as Design Week and The Sunday Times - soon led to his big break into still life photography with a story he shot for GQ.

His personal work includes ‘Mysore Style’, a book about Ashtanga yoga, its guru Sri K Pattabhi Jois and his students, many of whom are the world’s leading practitioners and teachers. His other books are ‘Femme Fatales’,’ Duo’ and ‘Triptych’.

Graeme splits his time between London, Paris and New York.