Jean Cazals is a world-renowned food photographer whose recognisable style is based on pure lines, soft lighting, elegant styling and craftsmanship. Over the years, his work has brought him numerous accolades and awards including the first ‘Pink Lady Best Food Photographer’ Award.

Dedicated to detail and atmosphere, whether classic or contemporary, Jean is constantly looking to bring out the best from each and push the boundaries to produce high-quality original results for every project. His work for top brands, restaurants and companies can be seen across editorial, advertising, design and publishing with over 80 books by some of the world's leading chefs.

He shoots from his fully equipped Notting Hill kitchen studio that enjoys beautiful daylight, a wide variety of flash options, and a large range of props. Jean is as happy shooting in his studio as he is on location from wherever in the world.

Visit his website for more information and to see samples of his work, as well as past issues of Production Paradise. Prints are also available for sale. Jean's latest blog/interview on Production Paradise can also be read here.

Jean is currently looking for representation in Paris and NY.