3D Model Agency

3D Model Agency

Take a look at the latest works of 3D Model Agency or contact them in Cape Town directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for .

3D Model Agency

"At 3D Model Agency, we represent individuals first. We embody the 'New'. We are the new millennial model agency devoted to passions, talents, ideas, good energy, unique creativity, and us human beings.

Established in 2002 by Justin Miccoli, 3D Model Agency now has one of the most celebrated and prestigious reputations in the world, extending its reach into other cities and countries and spreading the word and the vibe from its birthplace in Africa.

We represent some of the most dynamic, creative diverse and professional talent in the world.

We aim to break rules and let change be the only rule with a mindset of services supported by professionals and systems dedicated to growing groundbreaking careers.

Our ethical standards and core values, while remaining true to who we are and keeping our clients true to who they are, is a fundamental key to our ongoing and success."