Robert Randall

Robert Randall

Take a look at the latest works of Robert Randall or contact them in Chicago directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for advertising photographers, AI & CGI photographers, conceptual photographers, corporate & industrial photographers, people & lifestyle photographers, portrait photographers.
  • Spotlight Magazine

    Robert Randall


    "It rained six inches the night before you're supposed to shoot a John Deere tractor in a bean field, and the guy that owns the farm says you can't put heavy equipment in his fields because it's too wet.

    Your client needs to create letters that are 20 feet tall and you can't find a studio with enough ceiling height to pull it off.

    You needed an Olympic style high jump bar shipped to Council Bluffs for an ag chemical shoot, and they sent it to Toledo instead.

    Or, your imagination got away from you, and now you need stuff that simply doesn't exist, but you can describe it to a patient ear.

    Just some of the reasons creatives call me. You should call me too. I'm fun to work with, I don't bite, and I'm told I'm not half bad at this stuff."