Ozlem Dinc

Ozlem Dinc

Loyka Visual Arts

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Ozlem Dinc

Ozlem Dinc is a photographer and video producer working on "portraits with interview" format and documentary projects. She shoots stories around people, food and art.

Her local/international shootings and interviews have been published in Turkish Airlines' magazines Skylife and Skylife Business for four years. Between 2010 and 2012, she realised half of  46 Magazine's printed issues cover interviews. In 2014 and 2015, she took over the main exhibition of Yapi Kredi Afife Theatre Awards for two consecutive years as the guest photographer of the year. In 2015, she was one of the 80 visual artists interpreting Baris Manco songs under the "Lyrics: Baris Manco" book and exhibition project.

As of 2017, she continues her photography projects and productions in London and Istanbul. Currently, she is working on her new platform project where she will bring together inspirational stories of people from the creative industry, talking about their productivity and creative processes in photo / video / podcast format.

She lives in London and speaks English, French and Turkish. She works in her own photography studio located in Highbury, Islington (London).

You can book her for: editorial / commercial portraits, interviews, album / book covers, catalogue / casting portfolios, corporate headshots, food photography (editorial, commercial, cookbooks) or any related photography / video projects.

She is the co-founder of Loyka Visual Arts. You can find her other works as a video producer at loyka.net