Antonis Engrafou

Antonis Engrafou

Take a look at the latest works of Antonis Engrafou or contact them in Limassol directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for architecture photographers, directors/ film, interiors & exteriors photographers, portrait photographers.

Antonis Engrafou is a portrait and architecture photographer in Limassol, Cyprus. A third generation photographer following the footsteps of his grandfather and father  at the age of 18 Antonis turned to photography as a means of exploring his creativity.

His aesthetic of work is influence by old Masters of Art and this is his approach to entire body of work - commercial and portraiture.

His story-telling technique creates unique lighting and color  for the purpose of the photo shoot and creates the desired outcome, “a fine art portrait approach to subjects”.

In 2011 he was voted by Luerzer’s Archive as one of the ‘200 Best Ad Photographers’.