Minnow Eleven Productions

Minnow Eleven Productions

Los Angeles, Hawaii

Take a look at the latest works of Minnow Eleven Productions or contact them in Los Angeles directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for fashion production, film production services, location service & scouts, photo production.

Minnow Eleven Productions

We specialize in authentic campaigns that we’re lucky enough to have produced worldwide. 

Our passion for travel merges with our desire to find the right location and unite with the right local team to bring your project to fruition. We believe that each project has it’s own special need to make it stand out from all of the others before it. Maybe it’s our ‘inner storyteller’ that likes to go above and beyond the call of duty to help find this needle and it’s very own special haystack. We call that our ‘nonstop quest for the best’. 


 We have offices in Los Angeles and the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. And we are comfortable scaling our team to meet your needs. Embeded authenticity shoot with a team of 5 total? No problem! More traditional commercial team? We’ve got you covered.