Comal Studios

Comal Studios


Take a look at the latest works of Comal Studios or contact them in Vienna directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for directors/ food & drink, DOPs/ food & drink, food & drink production, stop motion, Stylists/ food & home economists.

Comal Studios

People all over the world love to cook, to experiment culinarily and to deliciously enjoy. That’s the reason, why culinary content is highly demanded. But a simple camera and just pulling the trigger is not enough. Consumers, readers and the market expect high quality images expressing moments and inspiring pictures. And this is, where Comal Studios come into play delivering the best culinary images and high-end food photography. Sense for beauty. This is, what Comal Studios stand for. Cook books, editorials and advertisement. Social media, photo documentations and stop-motion-videos. For all these formats, Comal Studios offer more than 20 years experience in photography. Their customers, such as Dr. Oetker, Weight Watchers Austria or Gusto, also value their professional approach in planning, conducting and successfully finishing projects. Elisa Quintero and Dieter Brasch are the heart of Comal Studios. Elisa, Mexican by birth, Italian by chance and Austrian by choice, is an experienced culinary producer. Dieter Brasch is the expert behind the camera capturing culinary moments, beautiful details and the right perspectives. Comal Studios is located in the central district of Vienna 1060. A 120 sqm location and a fundus of more than 4.000 culinary objects provide space for creativity and high-end imagery.

We look forward to your request and realising your individual project.

Showreel 2021