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Emil Bilinski

Emil Bilinski was born in 1978, studied and gained his first experience in Vienna, Austria. He graduated from business school, studied photography and visual communication design at the Graphische Bundes Lehr-und Versuchsanstalt Wien.

Meanwhile, he worked at the Friedensreich Hunderwasser-KunstHausWien Museum, where he got his biggest influence in Art, working with exhibiting Artists, Painters and Photographers and also presenting his first own Exhibition.

After military service in 2002, he went with his portfolio to magazines and ad agencies around Europe where he was immediately and willingly accepted by different publishers and creative directors, what gave him the opportunity to work in the commercial industry for the first time.

Starting with nutrition, health, beauty and fashion editorials, moving on to hairdressing competitions and then finally to hair, beauty and fashion commercials.

Currently, working on his books ‘Perception’ and  ‘Addicted to Beauty’.