The ability to work well in a team and to thrive with a group of creative people has made lifestyle and people photography Eva Napp’s passion. She is based in Los Angeles but loves to travel the world for assignments and flows well within different cultures and working environments.

A nomad at heart, she travels around the world constantly searching for surprising motifs in the most uncommon places, ready to discover the strange, the beautiful, and the hidden unknown.

When she isn‘t busy shooting assignments, Eva loves taking her old Dodge Ram van named “Mr. Shulgin” out on the open road.

Eva has worked for well-known clients including Jaguar, BMW, Nokia and Apple. She was recently published in Blickfang, the annual compendium of Germany’s best photographers and has made appearances on TV show 'TAFF' by German network PRO7. Her personal projects have been shown at several exhibitions, including a recent one at the prestigious Leica Gallery Los Angeles.