Studio Dernbach

Studio Dernbach

Take a look at the latest works of Studio Dernbach or contact them in Frankfurt directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for rental studios, rental studios photo & film.
  • Showcase Magazine



    Mar 16

    Studio Dernbach

    Rental studios photo & film

    Conveniently located between Cologne and Frankfurt, Studio Dernbach offers unique and unrivalled features to ensure substantial savings in time and costs for photo and video productions.

    The studio provides state-of-the-art facilities to ensure efficient and professional proceedings, catering forthe  most challenging expectations, with light channels surrounding the production area, a floor embedded rotation and lifting platform, inter-changeable colour backgrounds, and a multitude of additional extras.

    Certified for top-secret productions, Studio Dernbach offers the ideal solution for the automotive sector but is equally ideal for other industrial and sophisticated product areas, even including music videos.

    For bookings throughout 2016, Studio Dernbach offers a 10% discount on its studio rental rates. For further details visit the Studio Dernbach homepage or call direct.