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  • Spotlight Magazine

    Mutton Bones


    Spring news from the Mutton Bones offices, where there has been a lot of travelling going on! Adrian Myers recently returned from the beautiful snowy Slovenia having shot the AW17 campaign for premium sports underwear brand Odlo.

    Having struck up a rapport with the owner of his local, rustic circus Markku was given access to capture their inside world, while Veronique is just back from shooting a stills campaign in Prague for Always. Billy&Hells are currently shooting the follow-on campaign for the amazing Christian Louboutin Paris.

    "Plenty more in the pipeline and there’ll be more news to share soon, keep an eye on the MB website."

  • Spotlight Magazine

    Mutton Bones


    "It has been a busy year in the Mutton Bones camp and we’re excited to share our news and latest images with you. We’ve had ITV’s campaign for the Victoria series shot by fabulous portrait duo Billy&Hells. Still life photographer Graham Tooby has been rolling out great, bold British classics alongside some sharp, edgy retro clocks.

    We’re awfully proud of Markku Lahdesmaki for winning the AOP Ad series with his campaign for San Diego Zoo shot through M&C Saatchi. Adrian has had commissions for Avon, Odlo and Invesco alongside launching new website images for Monaco footballer, Falcao.

    Antosh Sergiew was commissioned by Esquire and GQ then brought out some funky new tests, whilst Veronique has been shooting for luxury Austrian clothing brand Frauenschuh as well as concentrating on her new exciting series all which is available to see on our MB website."

  • Showcase Magazine



    Feb 16

    Mutton Bones

    Photo agents

    Mutton Bones represents a selection of talented globally-based photographers.

    Adrian Myers shoots sports/portraits, Markku Lahdesmaki people/places, Billy & Hells portraits, Graham Tooby still life, Veronique Vial celebrity/portraits, and Marcus Philipp Sauer cars.

    Clients range from small regional design agencies to worldwide ATL ad agencies. Every shoot is carefully considered and produced with creativity and true professionalism, stemming from 25 years' experience within the advertising industry.

  • Spotlight Magazine

    Mutton Bones


    20 years as one of London’s leading agencies, Mutton Bones represents a portfolio of award-winning photographers from around the globe.

    Whilst continuing the re-shoot of her famous b/w books ‘Woman Before 10am’, Veronique Vial has been working for beauty brand Philosophy, Dove and French shoe co Baron Papillom.

    Adrian Myers’s sports/action work has taken him from glaciers for Snow&Rock to race tracks for MCS Menswear. Other clients this year include Marina Yachting, Henry Cotton, F1 Racing and Vision Express whilst continuing to shoot his fellow rugby players in his spare time.

    The latest of Markku Lahdesmaki’s personal projects has won him awards in Applied Arts, while his ‘Avanto’ series which captured swimmers in Finland dipping into the ice holes was a winner in the 2015 PDN Photo Annual. Recent ad campaigns from Markku include Fedex, Toyota, Snickers and Microsoft.

    Marcus Philipp Sauer started 2015 with catalogues of new location car work from Toyota and Kia, whilst Graham Tooby has been shooting still life for HSBC, Coca-Cola, Vodafone and animals for McVities, all of which can be viewed on the MB site.