Watson Production

Watson Production

Take a look at the latest works of Watson Production or contact them in Mallorca directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for casting agencies, film production services, location service & scouts, models/ children & teens, photo production, props/ furnishing.
  • Showcase Magazine



    Oct 15

    Watson Production

    Location service & scouts

    "At Watson we pride ourselves in staying true to our culture of tailored boutique productions. Whether for film or photo productions, this has proven to be popular with our clients and has created long term trusted relations. This year we have put our focus more on TV commercials and moving image productions. Featured in this Showcase are a few examples of our more recent work."

  • Spotlight Magazine

    Watson Production

    Mallorca - Ibiza - Barcelona

    Established in 1991, Watsons' aim is to provide you with a creative boutique, cost efficient production solution for any type of shoot. We offer to handle the whole production so you can concentrate on creativity and meeting your client’s needs.

    Watsons' experienced and friendly approach to film and photo offers clients access to a pool of incredible professionals, top of the range equipment and first rate logistical services.

    The company looks at each project with fresh eyes and tailors its services to the individual needs of the client. Shooting big or small, simple or complex, Watson has an incredible variety of locations on offer, not to mention an average of 300 days of sun per-year at its Mallorca base.

    "If you think your project could work here in Mallorca or on the Spanish mainland, get in touch and we will be happy to assist you."