The Edge Group

Sao Paulo - Photography, Film, CGI and Sound Talents

The Edge Group comprises photography, film, CGI and sound talents offering high-quality audio, video, graphics and image solutions.

As the name suggests, The Edge Group comprises professionals working across the full spectrum of advertising production using their talents and exchanging their ideas and experiences to further enhance the quality of their clients' work.

The central office includes a 2700 sq. ft. studio that simplifies and speeds-up the workflow of every project. The results from this collective effort have been inspiring and The Edge Group hopes to continue refining its co-operative concept.

Artists include Ax Mihanovich (CGI, design, style, music, sounds), Ronaldo Moreira, CEO (high-speed, tabletop, food, liquids, people, luxury), Valerio Trabanco (fashion, actresses, celebrities, glamour) and Du Ribeiro (cars, airplanes, jets, still life).