
Hamburg - Frankfurt - Dusseldorf - Amsterdam - Paris - Barcelona - Mallorca - Equipment Rental

711rent is coming to Spain! 711rent has taken over Spot - two more locations, Barcelona and Mallorca, are now part of the 711rent network. As usual, clients can order in any 711rent shop with local managers and pick up in any other location.

The 711rent service and a wide range of equipment is available in these locations. All offices are conveniently found in city-centre locations. 711rent delivers equipment on location with a 24/7 full pick-up and drop-off service, offering "ready to fly" packed equipment with completed customs papers that can be delivered to locations worldwide.

711rent carries well-maintained gear covering all major brands, including Profoto, Broncolor, Briese, Arri, Kino Flo, Hasselblad, Phase One, Canon, Dedolight, Apple, Mole Richardson and more. Recent additions include, Profoto B1 off Camera Flash, new Briese 140 focus.2, Phase One IQ 250 and LED Panels from TecPro.