Morten Bengtsson

New York - photographers

Danish-born photographer Morten Bengtsson is known for his slick, creative imagery and use of technical innovation. Born in Copenhagen in 1976, Morten has been interested in photography for as long as he can remember. He began his career as a bike messenger in his late teens, when a trip to a film lab led to an assistant job with a photographer.  

He pursued advertising photography at the Danish School of Photography and eventually went on to become partners with the very same photographer he originally assisted. Since then, Morten has become a successful advertising and editorial photographer in his own right, both abroad and in the United States.

His work is unique for its imaginative use of lighting and technology. Together with his retoucher, Morten has been able to master the use of contemporary post production techniques such as CGI. The resulting imagery is impressive in its depth, use of light, and technical complexity. He possesses the ability to work in many different styles while maintaining a characteristic atmosphere and level of quality.

Currently based in his hometown of Copenhagen, but often shooting around the world, Morten's advertising clients include Toyota, Pfizer, Citroen, Kellogg’s, Carlsberg, Celebrex, Alis Skate Gear, Rem Rem Watches, CBB Mobil, Sporting Bet UK, Skoda and Konecranes.

Morten is also a three-time winner of the Danish Creative Circle award for photographer of the year and won first place in the the 2011 APA awards in the category 'Action Photography'. He has been featured in the Luerzer’s Archive as one of the 200 best advertising photographers worldwide.

Contact Stacy Fischer at Exposure NY on 212-475-5565 or visit the website to see a portfolio of Morten's work.