"I am a dynamic figure often seen zipping to locations at the speed of light. I work covert operations for our heavenly father. I photograph corporate and industrial photo and video assignments worldwide. When I’m not making photos, I redesign airports making them more efficient and closer to my favorite locations. I make 30-minute cheesecakes in 20 minutes. I am an abstract artist, a concrete analyst and an inspired drone pilot. But mostly, I translate messages visually for savvy business people. I manage time wisely.

I sleep once a week, and when I do, I sleep standing up. Recently, when photographing interiors of Subway’s global headquarters in Miami, I began to explore the idea of photographing Subway franchises in developing countries. I love fresh food and sampling wine, beer, coffee and teas. I enjoy my own line of casual weekend wear. My clients trust me.

Using light and composition, mirrorless cameras or drones, I create photos and video that speak to the needs of ad agencies, design firms, corporations and editorial publications. I deny the forces of gravity and often sink 30 feet below sea-level to hang out with mermaids. I edit musical scores on my lunch break.

I’m a team player and have lots to contribute in terms of experience and how to get the job done. The laws of physics do not apply to me. Photography is serious business and you shouldn't leave it to an amateur to do the job and expect great results.

On a more serious note, I love what I do and so will you."