Julia Bostock has been specialising in children and baby’s fashion photography for over 10 years. She shoots advertising, commercial and editorial for clients worldwide, including Fendi, Mothercare, and large global brands such as Nestlé, British Airways and Harrods.

From luxury brands to charity work, she is always inspired and recently was commissioned by Pirouette to exhibit in the screen capture exhibition 'A girl in this world’ at Playtime Paris. Photography awards include One Eyeland.

Her main attribute is to capture natural images of her subjects. On top of this, she works in studios and on location where she can create natural lighting and atmosphere. "Working with children is so much fun, challenging and unpredictable and the rewards are endless".

Her work is inspired by all kind of art, the creativity of children and the odd things that appear in daily life.

Visit the website for more information about Julia and follow her on Instagram.