Hyperactive Studio

Shanghai - photographers

Photographer Mauro Turatti and post-producer Mattia Giani started Hyperactive Studio in 2010. With a recognisable and sharp style, the studio offers a creative and high quality product. The core of the business is still life and food advertising photography.

Hyperactive Studio deploys the best modern technologies and strong management for photo shoots, creating highly qualified working teams that fit the needs of each client. In five years, Hyperactive Studio has reached important targets, receiving prestigious rewards such as Young Lion Competition Cannes 2010, Special Star Mediastars 2010, Silver Price ADCI 2010, and Shortlist ADCI 2012.

Clients include Barilla, Alessi, Vodafone, Unicredit, Sky, P&G, Nestlé and BMW.

Awards include Art Directors Club Italiano 2012, EICMA GP 2010, Mediastars 2010 and Cannes Young Lion 2010,

Hyperactive Studio is represented by Red+Plus.