Louis Tovar

Los Angeles - Directors & DOPs

Louis Tovar is an awarded writer and director based in Los Angeles. With a background in animation and visual effects, he is able to think outside the box by seamlessly implementing simple CGI and visuals into projects and making them more meaningful - story and character being the main element, of course.

From commercials and music videos, Louis recently directed and DOP'd awarded short-film 'Rewind', a Chaplin/Keaton inspired silent film created with a clever eye and that gave strong emotional response to the audience.

Moreover, his sense of humour on-set makes Louis easy to work with, allowing everyone to feel comfortable while at the same time getting the job done with full quality, professionalism, and sticking to schedule.

Clients include Samuel Adams, FedEx, Savage Chips, Bingin Dog, NuMale, Asandra MD, MiraDry and FriendMedia.