Kathy Cacicedo

New York - Animal & Lifestyle Photographers

"Who was it that said, “never work with kids and dogs?" Not me, that's for sure.

The work featured in this Showcase is from a recent shoot for a new campaign promoting the Pet Therapy Superheroes of Overlook Medical Center. We spent three days making superhero capes fly while watching the transformative impact of Pet Therapy ...a dream job come true. Scroll down to see videos I have produced and directed for Overlook, a long time client. A Pet Therapy video is in the works!"

Client list includes: Merck, Bayer, Pet Plate, Claritin, Dr. Scholls, Coppertone, Afrin, Donate Life, Overlook Medical Center, Atlantic Health System, Morristown Medical Center, The Heather Trew Foundation, Overlook Foundation and Stevens Institute of Technology.