Olga Lavrenkova

Moscow - photographers

A graduate of the University of the Arts, London, Olga Lavrenkova literally lives on a plane between Moscow and London.

After experimenting with a variety of genres, Olga finally majored in fashion photography and portraiture. Today, Olga is in great demand as one of the leading celebrity photographers in Russia. Numerous A-list international stars, from Donatella Versace and Tom Ford to Gwyneth Paltrow and Ruppert Everett, have all passed in front of her lens.

Her commercial campaigns include L'Oréal, Samsung, Bosco di Ciliegi, Globus Gourmet and L'Etoile. Editorial clients include Vogue, GQ, Harpers Bazaar, InStyle and Rolling Stone.

Olga also regularly works on her own personal projects for a number of charity organisations in Moscow and London, such as Podari Zhizn, Donors for Kids, and Kids on the Streets.