barcelona issue 20
Aug 2004
Robert Penkwitt
Barcelona - photographers
Robert shot an editorial for the magazine bcn-inside titled "Geometry of Glamour". Styling by Nuria, hair-makeup by Fraamn Rezende (Olivia). Models: Renata (Francina) and Olesya (Traffic). He also shot for the msxi-catalogue in Sardinia before continuing his trip to Portofino and Milano to shoot a 50s story for the x-ray magazine. Styling by Sabine Berlipp, hair and make-up by Framn Rezende, models by Names and Joy.
Back in Barcelona he shot a lingerie story with beautiful Maria from View Management for the magazine "Sous". Styling by Sabine Berlipp, hair & make-up by Framn Rezende. He just finished a shoot for the Elegance catalogue, organised by Montse Roura productions. Styling by Marion, hair & make-up by Gilberto. In a few days he is off to Lisbon and Sardinia for 2 German catalogues.