people & lifestyle photography
Feb 2008
Photographer Stefan Schuetz spent six months documenting his travels between twelve African countries. Beginning in Munich and winding his way down the east coast of the continent to Cape Town, Stefan returned with some beautiful memories:
"I never felt life so true than in Africa! The openness, helpfulness and enthusiasm of the people is very catching."
"For me it was very important not to repeat the usual images of the gap between rich and poor in today's Africa. I observed, listened, and I learned a lot."
As a result Stefan was able to capture the unbroken pride of Africa in his images. After 30.000 kilometres without hindrance, his appetite for photography and life has been reinvigorated.
The Munich-based sports and people photographer attaches huge importance to instinctive authenticity in his freelance work. For his latest advertising shoots he used all available media to place Dirk Nowitzki, Ian Thorpe and other sports stars in perspective.