7 Seas Productions was founded in 2002 and is composed of a mixed German-Argentine production crew that combines the best of both worlds: a 'made-in-Germany' quality of realisation with expert local knowledge.

"Some things you always wanted to know about Argentina* but were afraid to ask:"

All major European airlines operate daily flights to Argentina and the time difference is only three hours, which makes jetlag insignificant. The Argentine Peso is the lowest valued currency in the region: Swiss bank UBS recently rated 71 world capitals for their price performance, with the cheapest three revealed as Kuala Lumpur, New Delhi and Buenos Aires. Argentina, this year celebrating the 25th anniversary of its return to democracy, looks and feels the most European among South American countries, and makes for one of the most logical off-season destinations for photo and film productions.

The company's website shows more than 15,000 location pictures, plus references to recent campaigns and photographers.