"After a long period, blocked from working, 2022 found us quite busy.

At GO we have been working with our friends at Paramount +, producing plates for the openings of several shows, as well as  all their promotional print campaigns. Then, we were lucky to travel to the incomparable Patagonia to shoot with our friend Will Atherton and come back to Buenos Aires to the Tandil area, where we shot amazing landscapes, among other adventures, while our team from Uruguay shot an awesome guerrilla commercial for CDM Agency with Jez Coulson, the great warfare photojournalist, with whom we also did some amazing videos for an important medical care start up.

On the other hand, the Chilean team was lucky to shoot in the incredible landscape of the Atacama desert for Lexus, turning into a beautiful adventure. We hope that the upcoming snow season will give a very interesting 2022."