photographers' agents
Nov 2006
Artist representative Tim Mitchell has created his own niche in the world of American advertising: he only represents European talent.
After 20 years of scouting and producing for a group of European photographers, Tim decided he had had more than his share of travelling. His eye for imagery led him to some of Europe's most talented photographers.
Although his primary role is finding creative assignments for his talent, he still oversees each production "making sure nothing falls through the cracks". Projects this year include:
- Igor Panitz shot 40 ads for BMW
- Ralf Gellert shot 90 portraits for Pfizer´s new diabetic inhaler, Exubera
- Robert Wilson shot the Enlistment campaign and Igor Panitz shot the Officer campaign for the US Marine Corps
- Douglas Fisher shot the 2007 Honda Civic campaign
- Andric shot 10 ads for LaSalle Bank
- Holger Wild shot for a GMC Used Vehicle campaign.
In 2007, he will be launching a new division of his business dedicated to selling European stock photography. Watch out for