Tuset Studios offers two stunning and modern studios and equipment rental: Manhattan and Aribau. Located in Barcelona city center, Tuset has 900m2 of studio rental space with car access. Aribau: 400m2 penthouse loft with 7m long x 4,5, width x 4m height cyclorama, and Manhattan: 500m2 ground floor industrial set with 11m long x 8m width x 7m height cyclorama.

The company provides a 24/7 premium full-service production with the latest equipment from top brands for all types of production both in-studio and on-location. It also provides you with everything you need for your production: catering, technical staff, assistants, transport, etc ...

Lastest productions in Tuset Studios: Stradivarius, Lottusse, Tuc Tuc, Doppia, Lefties, Harper’s Bazaar, C&A, Opium, etc.

"Visit our website for more information and see all the available equipment and prepare a personalised quote. Follow us on Instagram."