Take a look at the latest works of Christian Khayó or contact them in Cape Town directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for .

“In the realm of Generation Regeneration's visual wizards, Christian Khayó emerges as a freakish force of nature, hell-bent on lashing us back to the roots of our being.

Our man Khayó serves as the guide for brands, agencies, and organizations across this spinning rock, taking them on a wild journey to visual honesty.

He’s is a master of snapping potent images that drip with effortless allure, intimate shots of the 

 great outdoors and the organic dance of life, which serve as a radical antidote to the synthetic poison that has long held our gaze. 

Having spent a decadent decade peddling the twisted wares of global behemoths, Khayó has clawed his way out of the pit of commercial deceit, choosing his pseudonym to cease the spreading of soul-crushing, mind-numbing tripe.

His portfolio oozes with the lifeblood of a world aching for regeneration. 

The mad genius of Khayó lies in his primal ability to forge connections that electrify the nucleus of our collective imaginations. Open your eyes and ears! ‘Nature has music for those who listen.’ 

You already know you must reach out and grasp, if you dare, the steadfast hand of Christian Khayó!”

- H.S.T.