Crptc Child

Crptc Child


Directing DoP´s

Take a look at the latest works of Crptc Child or contact them in Hamburg directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for directors/ advertising / commercials, directors/ beauty & fashion, directors/ fashion films, directors/ people & lifestyle, DOPs/ advertising & commercials, DOPs/ Animation & VFX, DOPs/ beauty & fashion, DOPs/ fashion films, DOPs/ people & lifestyle, editing.

CRPCT CHILD - Ekaterina and Liam.
They are audiovisual artists. A duo of photography, DOP, direction, post production & music. Their specialty is short commercials in fashion, beauty and accessories. Their paths first crossed 13 years ago at the University of Hamburg. While studying at film school, they realized that they not only have the same cinematic vision, but also share the same motives and intentions.

Ekaterina pays great attention to detail, both on set and in post-production. Her work consists of capturing the atmosphere on set and navigating the models. Her artistic background is inspired by the old masters. Her style is classic and characterized by tradition and minimalism.
Influenced by his graphic training and the many video clips of the 90s, Liam always focuses on composition and the relationship between the images. His execution is precise, athletic and inspired by comic and pop culture.

Liam loves fast cuts, and Ekaterina provides the balance when it comes to grounding and slowing down. In other words, as a duo, they tend to see and feel the harmony of a project with their four eyes.