Take a look at the latest works of House of Juba or contact them in London directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for film production services, hair, makeup, stylists agents, photo agents, photo production, props/ furnishing, set/ scenery design.

House of Juba

"In light of our shared situation we thought it would be good to let you know what are doing here at HOJ Artists to support each other here at the agency and all of our lovely clients.

We are adapting the way in which we work and are remaining positive and hopeful.

Our artists will be focusing on personal projects and small local jobs where possible.

If you do have a small brief do get in touch, all of our lovely artists have their own home studios and equipment to hand.

We are looking at re-purposing existing imagery and re-licensing options too.

We woud love to talk to you and chat about how we can help during this time and potential future plans and projects.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support. Stay safe, check in with people and stay positive.

All our love from the HOJ Team."