Ludovica Floris

Ludovica Floris


Take a look at the latest works of Ludovica Floris or contact them in Milan directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for advertising photographers, cosmetics photographers, food & drink photographers, still life photographers.

 Ludovica Floris is a commercial photographer from Italy who focuses on product and food photography. Her style is bold and colorful, using playful elements, ingredients, and colors to tell interesting stories about the products she shoots.


With a strong interest in art and a lot of creativity, Ludovica brings a unique viewpoint to her work. She doesn't just take pictures; she creates visual stories that connect with the right audience, making her a valuable part of the photography industry.

Recently, she has collaborated with advertising agencies on product and food photography projects for big companies like Barilla, Nissin Cup Noodles, and Innocent Drinks.

Ludovica can adapt to different styles and capture emotions through her photos, which is important in today's competitive market. Whether you need eye-catching photos, fun stop-motion animations, short-form videos, or appealing content for social media, she is ready to deliver great results.