Holly Corbett Represents

Holly Corbett Represents

Take a look at the latest works of Holly Corbett Represents or contact them in New York directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for photo agents.

"It's been an exciting few months at HCR... We have moved into fabulous new offices in Midtown and we welcomed our new agent, Jo Miller, to the team.

Among the many highlights are the following:

  • Sio Beauty wanted authenticity when they commissioned Tom Corbett for their holiday campaign.
  • As fashion director of As If Magazine, Stacey Jones styled Peter Saarsgard.
  • Athanasis Nichols continues her collaboration with Mall of America with this beautiful campaign.
  • Charlotte Havelange beautifully styled the props for the November cover of Wine Enthusiast magazine.
  • Kyle Rudd took a fresh and modern approach to his Farmacy campaign.
  • Steven Lippman shot this stunning worldwide campaign for Garmin shooting both stills and motion."