Ilja C. Hendel

Ilja C. Hendel

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Ilja C. Hendel

Ilja C. Hendel is an experienced editorial and corporate photographer with over 20 years of experience. Ilja is working on a broad spectre of topics, but always with the same approach: to discover the motives in actuality and on location - and in case staging is necessary, he is doing it in a natural way.

He is focused on visual storytelling for brands, companies and governmental- and non-governmental organisations, as well as leading magazines on assignments in Scandinavia and international. One of his main interests is to tell the story of production, block chain and worklife through photography. He is comfortable wherever the work has to be done: if it is off-shore, on-shore, among CEOs, in the cold, in the air, in the middle of the night or in the hightech lab.

Ilja was born in Frankfurt (Germany) and moved to Oslo (Norway) in 2006. Among recent clients are: Innovation Norway, DHL Deutsche Post, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zukunft Erdgas.