711rent - Equipment Rental

Germany - Spain - France - Netherlands

711rent is Europe's leading photo and film equipment rental house with branches in Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona and Mallorca.

The company carries well-maintained gear from all major brands, including Profoto, Broncolor, Briese, Arri, Kino Flo, Dedolight, Hasselblad, Phase One, Canon, Nikon, Apple, Mole Richardson, The Light and many more.

The 711rent Network makes it easy to order equipment with a local shop and pick up anywhere. Due to the company's large range of stock and clever logistics, large jobs can be easily handled on tight timing.

Service is orientated towards the needs of photographers and production companies, with an experienced staff solving problems to allow professionals to concentrate on the job at hand.

711rent Barcelona has moved to a new location just around the corner from the old studio. They are now in c/ Ciutat de Granada 45 in the 22@ district.

Recent additions include Phase One 380 and 350 with XF Body, high end Zeiss Lenses from the Otus series for Canon and Nikon, Canon 5Ds and 5Dsr.