John Grande

New York - Still Life and Conceptual Photographers

John Grande is ceaselessly pushing the boundaries of commercial photography. He possesses a unique talent for transforming iconic American brands, such as Spam and Ocean Spray cranberry sauce, into extraordinary visual compositions. By meticulously slicing these products apart and suspending them in captivating patterns, John transcends their mundane, everyday purpose, while preserving their innate appeal and delectable allure.

John's unwavering fascination with light fuels his artistic endeavors. With a masterful command of rigging techniques on set, he effortlessly manipulates and harnesses the power of light to create captivating imagery. Additionally, John proudly claims the title of the second-best retoucher in NYC, after a guy he knows named Billy (last name redacted).

Among John's clientele are renowned brands such as Boston Scientific Watchman, Viagra, Kraft/Heinz, Capri Sun, Magnolia Bakery, DirecTV. From his studio located on West 28th Street in the heart of New York.