Petunia HOTEL

Ibiza - hotels & apartments

“Far from the norm, and without ostentation. Petunia is different. Starting with its location, facing Es Vedrà. The islet sets the tone, like a landmark. Ibiza-style living follows. Quietness – around the pool, in the lush gardens, around the nearby calas... Vibrancy – from its restaurants and the arty seventies rooms.

Today, Petunia is reborn. Thanks to the work of Studio Galeón, the hotel is reconnecting with its location and its history. On the one hand, the serenity of lush gardens, balconies and private terraces. On the other, the 70's eclecticism of the 42 rooms & suites and the vibrant spirit of the three restaurants, wide open to the surrounding nature, between traditionally immaculate walls and pops of personality. A striking revival.

Having fun. Petunia cultivates it. Simply, and directly. Starting with the gardens. From olive trees and rosemary bushes to lavender, chaste trees and the organic vegetable garden, full of fresh herbs, tomatoes, carrots, and artichokes... At every corner observing, smelling, listening and tasting is a source of great pleasure.”