Marius Krutschke

Marius Krutschke

Take a look at the latest works of Marius Krutschke or contact them in Frankfurt directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for car & transportation photographers, landscape photographers, people & lifestyle photographers.
  • Spotlight Magazine

    Marius Krutschke


    Marius Krutschke is a German Frankfurt-based photographer, specialising in automotive and in industrial photography. 

    He really loves to shoot people in their professional environment, as well showing cars in natural ambient light. In this Showcase he presents some of his work from the past year, he was producing with his small team under the necessary conditions during the pandemic. He also did some tests in black and white with an infrared filter.

    Check out and follow his Instagram and have a look at his website.

  • Showcase Magazine



    Dec 20

    Marius Krutschke

    Car & transportation photographers

    Marius Krutschke is a German Frankfurt-based photographer, specialising in automotive and in industrial photography, showing people in their professional environment. He just had several shootings for a pharmaceutical company with one the world’s largest production-line located in Germany. The shootings were realised with a small team under the necessary conditions during the pandemic period.

    He also continued his project of the bespoke tailoring, right before the quarantine regulations, in London’s Savile row.

    Check out and follow his Instagram and have a look at his website.

  • Showcase Magazine



    Jun 20

    Marius Krutschke

    Car & transportation photographers

    Strongly limited in time and forced by the official restrictions policy to work with a significantly reduced team, Marius Krutschke realised this portfolio-project in his hometown Frankfurt, Germany. Specialised in automotive photography, Marius puts this BMW M1 into the breathtaking atmosphere of light approaching night, focusing on the cool design and personal charisma of the model. Some of the pictures also convey the mood of cool urban artificiality.

    In contrast, the motif of a 1969 Chrysler 300 in Palm Springs under the California sun.

    Check out and follow his Instagram and have a look at his website to find a wide selection of his work.

    Marius is now represented in the US by Jay Rodan and in Italy by Opla Production .

  • Spotlight Magazine

    Marius Krutschke


    Marius Krutschke is based in Frankfurt, Germany, as a photographer specialised in automotive and with a passion for fascinating landscapes and extraordinary urban architecture.

    During his recent project in California he went for a special shooting of Tesla cars downtown and into the suburbs of LA, as well as into the surrounding desert area. The black and white bring out the art of light-setting and generate a kind of nostalgia, a homage to the HP 5 appearance. A fascinating coincidence of look back and view in the future.

    "The black & white gives me the opportunity to emphasise the character and the personality of the motif."

    Check out and follow his Instagram and have a look at his website.

    Marius is now represented in the US by Jay Rodan and in Italy by Opla Production.

  • Spotlight Magazine

    Marius Krutschke


    Frankfurt-based Marius Krutschke is a German photographer specialised in automotive, who also loves outdoor adventure and capturing people in their professional environment.

    He just came back from shooting a Tesla Model X in the exciting California area, where he spent two weeks downtown and in the suburbs of Los Angeles as well as in the surrounding desert area. This is a way for him to reconcile his passion for cars, fascinating landscape and a cool urban atmosphere.

    "Even if technology is very attractive to me, I never forget to emphasize the beauty of reality in my pictures."

    Check out and follow Marius' Instagram and have a look at his website.

  • Showcase Magazine



    Dec 19

    Marius Krutschke

    Car & transportation photographers

    Marius captures moments naturally and authentically, to create an intense closeness between the subject and viewer.

    Marius travelled to California to create some impressions for a US travel magazine. All of these shots where done with a Leica Q and a Leica SL, as a part of a collaboration with Leica Camera Wetzlar in Germany.

    He also went to the Dolomites to catch the very early light in the morning. “The silence and the impressive mountains are an inspiring ambience.”

  • Spotlight Magazine

    Marius Krutschke


    After finishing a job for MAN Truck and Bus SE in Germany that involved a studio shoot of the national football team-bus, Marius Krutschke's work led him under the bright sun of Miami as well as into the fascinating mountains of Northern Italy.

    "The modern, clear and bright architectural environment of Miami’s Art District contrasts with the surprising colour of the car. But nobody can say that this doesn't all fit together!"

    Back in Italy, the tremendous mountainous area provided excellent opportunities to create a very specific ambience using the available light of this extraordinary environment.

  • Spotlight Magazine

    Marius Krutschke


    Marius Krutschke's recent projects led him into the fascinating mountains of the Italian Alps as well as to different districts of London.

    The tremendous mountainous area of Italy’s Passo dello Stelvio forms an excellent background for Marius to combine the technical aspects of car photography with an impressive environment.

    The shoot with a Porsche Carrera 4s leads the viewer into London's old industrial districts and represents another example of Marius's visual imagery. It's amazing how the classic industrial environment and car design fit together.

  • Showcase Magazine



    Mar 19

    Marius Krutschke

    Car & transportation photographers

    Marius Krutschke's recent projects brought him to London, where he captures people in their authentic ambiance while doing their job.

    Traditional professional activities are in the foreground of his current interests. In his projects 'Barber' (in one of Frankfurt’s barbershops) and 'Tailoring' (in London’s famous Savile Row), he succeeds in creating an intense closeness between subject and viewer. He also shot portraits in different environments around Frankfurt.

  • Spotlight Magazine

    Marius Krutschke


    Three things brought Marius Krutschke to photography: his early fascination with automobiles, an attentive eye for small things and moments from everyday life, and the passion to capture both individually or as part of a team.

    Following his training, Marius assisted leading photographers in the automotive industry. Consequently, cars are a particular focus of his portfolio which he covers with classic advertising motifs and individual interpretations.

    Another focal point for Marius is people photography in which he succeeds in capturing moments naturally and authentically, thereby creating an intense closeness between subject and viewer.