Gonçalo Barriga


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Take a look at the latest works of Gonçalo Barriga or contact them in Lisbon directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for people & lifestyle photographers, portrait photographers, sports photographers.

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  • sports photographers
    sports photographers
  • people & lifestyle photographers
    people & lifestyle photographers
  • portrait photographers
    portrait photographers


  • Gonçalo Barriga is a people & lifestyle photographer with a passion for fitness & sports, based in Lisbon, Portugal.

    He specialises in portrait, lifestyle, fitness and sports photography, helping people and brands translate words, thoughts and emotions into images.

    Being a sports addict himself, it’s no surprise that any active lifestyle theme has a special place in his photography, from athlete's portraits to fitness lifestyle stories and actions shots.

    He loves a creative challenge and all jobs deserve his undivided attention

    “My client’s mission always becomes my own, I am happiest when I'm part of something greater than myself.”


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