barcelona issue 27
Feb 2005
Hispart S.A (Stereorent-Hispart S.A)
Barcelona - Photo & Film Equipment Rentals
Stereo Rent acquires the first Fast Unit of Spain - Stereo Rent became the first Spanish company to acquire a fast Unit, a modern equipment wich has a lift up giant screen with great flexibility. This new acquisition has the objective of satisfy all necessity of its clients and fulfill with compromise of offering the best media technology.
The Fast Unit is Mercedes Benz truck that raise a 12 square metre screen to a base height of 3.5 metres, which can be see from far away and from any position, because the screen can rotate 360 degrees. The unit has the latest electronic technology, enabling reproduction of any signal type, including from video or computor (high or low resolution). It also has a telescopic antenna and a synthesizer to capture television signals anywhere and a 15" TFT monitor for viewing the projected images.