Super 16
Title: I Love Itak
Title: I Love Itak
Title: Itak Your Time, Your Rules , Photographer: Ciril Jazbec
Title: Itak Your Time, Your Rules , Photographer: Ciril Jazbec
Title: Petrol Q Max
Title: Radiotjanst Something Is About To Happen
Title: Radiotjanst Something Is About To Happen
Title: Telekom Live Freely
Title: Telekom Live Freely
Title: Telekom Live Freely
Title: Telekom Live Freely
Title: Telekom Live Freely
Super 16 is a production house located in the small production dreamland called Slovenia, which lies in the middle of Europe. The company has been working in the field of TV production since 2005, making commercials amongst green forests and Alpine mountains reminiscent of Switzerland, Medieval towns and Renaissance buildings that resemble Italy, and by the Mediterranean Sea and the kind of vines usually found in France. All of this is accessible within an hour's drive, thanks to the vast diversity Slovenia has to offer.
Super 16 is based in the capital, Ljubljana, and offers full production services to its clients. A team of creative people represent the heart of Super 16, who run their productions with enthusiasm, knowledge, quality, experience and a sense of humour!